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SALES from 10% to 50% until February 17th 2025!

A 115-year history

It was 1907 when the “Calzature Petrin” shoemaker in the historic center of Diano Marina, on the Riviera dei Fiori, raised its shutter for the first time. 115 years later we are still here, your historic shoe and accessories shop. Our long life secret? Keep up with the times and understand the needs of our customers. From 2023 the store in Diano Marina will be closed and Calzaveste will dedicate itself exclusively to online sales on the Italian and foreign markets.

The family shop, generation after generation, has evolved and sometimes reinvented itself to offer always current, classy and quality footwear and accessories. For decades we have explored design in the world of elegant and ceremonial footwear, accompanying many of our customers on their unforgettable occasions.

After almost a century of history, in 2002 we decided to renew the historical "Calzature Petrin", and transform it into Calzaveste, a reality that puts the emphasis on the selection of exclusive footwear, of design and with the excellent quality that only craftsmanship manages to give. In the renewed Calzaveste, the long experience in the world of women's and men's shoes and accessories is combined with a taste for originality: we wanted to create a shop that would meet both the young, lively and fashionable target, and what has always been historically our target audience, that of elegant footwear, for ceremonies and brides. Fundamental parts of the revolution are also the renewed large selection of fashion and avant-garde accessories and this portal, which finally extends our catalog of men's and women's footwear and accessories to a national audience thanks to the possibility of online purchase.

L'azienda Calzaveste ha deciso di investire sulla digitalizzazione. La realizzazione del progetto ha consentito di migliorare l'efficienza dell'impresa, l'organizzazione del lavoro e di sviluppare nuove soluzioni e-commerce.

Il progetto ha ottenuto il sostegno finanziario dell’Unione attraverso il cofinanziamento con risorse del POR FESR Liguria 2014-2020 fino a euro 5.000,00

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